ZM-Grow™ Approved For Organic Use

Tracegrow's ZM-Grow micronutrient is Approved for use as an organic fertiliser under the EU regulation on organic farming. ZM-Grow is directly usable in organic farming as it is classified as a renewable fluid mixture of micronutrients by the EU*. and Certified for organic use in the UK by OF&G (Organic Farms and Growers) Registration No: UKE 1295.
ZM-Grow™ qualifies for organic status thanks to Tracegrow's ground breaking technology that allows 80% of the micronutrients to be extracted from alkaline batteries. This gives a safe highly effective source of Zinc, Manganese, and Sulphur which can directly be used in organic farming. ZM-Grow™ is the world's most ecological, clean, reusable source of Zinc, Manganese and Sulphur based micronutrient product for farming.
As a result there are no longer any impediments on the export and sale of ZM-Grow either as a fertiliser or organic fertiliser. Unlike directives that are implemented in each member state through national legislation.
EU regulations apply to all members as such. Consequently, EU approved fertilisers have free mobility across the community.Thanks to its EU approved status the ZM-Grow micronutrient can now be marketed in other EU member states either as a fertiliser or organic fertiliser. this offer us major business opportunities within the EU.
*According to applicable legislation, fertiliser products and soil improvement agents that are listed in Annex I of the EU implementation regulation (EC) No 889/2008) and meet the requirements of the legislation on fertiliser products may be used in organic farming. The EU implementation regulation (EC) No 889/2008 specifies that if trace elements.